Yoga Foundation
This is the perfect yoga classes for complete beginners as well as those seeking a gentler, more educational yoga class. The students will be introduced to the basics of what yoga is and its usefulness in daily life. It will touch upon life philosophies, breathing techniques that allow for energy and mood regulation, body postures that stretch and strengthen to create a sense of flexibility and stamina as well as a relaxation techniques that enhance everyday resilience. The foundation learning in this class will assist the participants in progressing to other yoga classes offered at the studio.
The Purpose of Yoga Foundation are:
- To focus on the alignment of your body
- To become aware of your body’s specific needs and abilities
- To recognize and learn the specific details of each asana
- To emphasize and build on the strength and flexibility of your body
Hatha Yoga (APM)
Asana Pranayama Meditation (APM) are three tools of the eight limbs of Hatha Yoga. The sessions begin with surya-namaskar flow or loosening of joints. The focus is on holding the postures with the breath awareness, with explaining key alignments to ensure safety, ongoing health and full benefits of yoga. Every class will include pranayama (breathing) practices, use of hand mudras (hand gestures used to channel your bodies energy flow) and a guided meditation at the end. The classes are designed for mixed-level participants (offering options) and provide a balanced combination of sustained poses with attention to basic alignment and therapeutic principles. The session greatly benefits anyone who is struggling with anxiety and depression due to day-to-day life challenges and is also suitable for seniors.
Hatha Flow
Hatha yoga is about challenging the physical body to gently come out of it's comfort zone whilst respecting physical limitations. Hatha literally means being forceful or pushy, the participants are encouraged to challenge their physical limitations/inconveniences whilst guided to be safe and avoid any injury. The class is designed to develop strength, flexibility, bodily relaxation, and mental concentration. The teacher guides the participants slowly and deliberately into different yoga postures that challenge your strength and flexibility, while at the same time focusing on relaxation and mindfulness. The class ends with a short meditation and yoga-nidra to become aware of the changes from the practice.
Restorative Yin Yoga
This class is designed to offer a selfcare experience to reset your nervous system, calm your mind and open up and nourish tight joints and connective tissues. It consists of a gentle and slow style of yoga postures that involves long, passive holds. The postures are held for 3-5 minutes and are supported with a variety of props to support the weight of the body. The props enhance and deepen the experience and achieve a state of total relaxation and release. Regular practice helps in managing stress levels, blood pressure, chronic pain and regulating the nervous system which is now very well supported by clinical evidence. This session is suitable for seniors.
Guided Meditation
Meditation can be practised when the body is at ease and the mind is relaxed so the prana (energy) flows smoothly without any hindrance. Breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. The participants are guided through gentle body movements and pranayama (breathing techniques) to prepare to focus and meditate. This class is designed for those who need to deeply relax and restore both body and mind. The class consists of guidance with words, visualisation, writing meditation, and chanting etc. Regular practice helps in bringing clarity of mind, emotional balancing, efficiency at work and improve sleep patterns. This session is suitable for seniors.
Seniors Yoga
The class is specially designed for older people and those with limited mobility. The focus is on correct breathing, loosening of subtle joints and gentle stretching to help keep people mobile, prevent cramps and improve sleep. The session is designed to strengthen the respiratory and immune system, also focused on improving memory. It is the most interactive and popular session at Mystique Moksha, there is a fun element with games and stories to keep students engaged which invigorates a sense of joy and inner peace. The participants can opt to sit on a chair or on the ground within the same session. The teacher creates the sessions to accommodate both in the same session.
Parent and Child
Our Parent-child yoga class gives the opportunity to strengthen their bond by practicing yoga together, playing yogic games for improving memory, reflex actions, and coordination with an element of fun. A very popular class at Mystique Moksha. Practicing yoga together, sharing interesting informative stories to instil courage and understanding to handle the challenges of life. The class includes dynamics, sun-salutations, yoga postures which can be done with parent and child partnering/partnership.
Children/Teens Yoga
The session will equip young adults with various techniques to bring balance in their daily lives and handle themselves in challenging times, as well as address digestion and sleep issues.
- Manage stress and reduce anxiety
- Build physical strength & enjoy general wellbeing
- Become flexible and agile
- Develop self-esteem, mental clarity and focus
- Achieve better academic results
This session runs on a school term basis or as school holiday programs.
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