Mystique Moksha


Classical Yoga

MM Spring Retreat - A Natural Lifestyle of Joy!

We have locked on a beautiful venue for the retreat 3rd - 5th February 2023; a cosy and charming retreat country-style retreat.

Bandusia is a renowned country retreat, nestled in the rugged sandstone landscape of the MacDonald Valley near St Albans. The property is built by local artisans from local timbers and sandstone, less than 2hour drive from Sydney. It will involve group sessions with yoga asana, pranayama, meditation practice and yoga games for improving the mind and body coordination. Nivriti’ s Ayurvedic cooking sessions will also promote healthy and quick vegetarian dishes to incorporate into your meal plans.

Like every time, the retreat will include all the yoga, meditation sessions and special surprise workshops. It is going to be a unique experience. It is going to be a unique experience.

Limited spots are still available, we can only fit a maximum of 17 this time around.

We would love you to join us! Looking forward to answering any of your queries.

Upcoming Retreats of yoga


Early Bird: (To be paid in full) before 20th Dec 2022

Room Occupancy:
Shared Accommodation: Early Bird - $ 625.00 / Regular - $675.00
Single Supplement: Early Bird - $ 899.00 / Regular - $950.00

In case you are not going for Early bird offer:

Payment Method: Direct deposit

Account: Mystique Moksha Events

Bank: ANZ Bank

Account Number: 609954162

BSB 012294


Your first name and




For more information or to book your spot, contact:

The Mystique Moksha Team

Phone: 0401 376 141



  • All meals are catered for, all bed linen and towels provided.
  • All vegetarian meals; first evening, daily breakfast, lunch, dinner, last day breakfast and lunch. Fruit and yummy desserts; extensive tea and coffee selection, filtered drinking water.

Note: Vegan, Gluten Free and Dairy Free special dietary requirements can be catered for if requested in advance AND All group practice sessions are included in the cost.


  • Your travel is not included, we will welcome you at the venue on Friday, 3rd
    February 2023.
  • Any private sessions with any MM teacher
  • Any item not specified in inclusions.

Cancellation policy:

Organisers have the right to change the venue, change the dates or cancel the retreat dependent on a variety of factors that will be disclosed in the event of such changes.

In the event of venue or date changes or cancellation, organisers will inform all guests who have paid a non-refundable deposit or paid for their retreat in full, to discuss the next steps.

If you are unable to attend retreat, please contact ASAP.

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What is Yoga?

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. The word ‘yoga’ originates from the Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning join, yoke, or unite. Yoga is a method of getting a balanced body and a relaxed mind. It includes the breathing activities called pranayama and the physical act of yoga stances called asanas (yoga poses). Yoga likewise incorporates contemplation, self-examination, and knowledge of yoga philosophy.

What are the advantages of yoga?

Yoga can be highly beneficial for those who practice it regularly since it makes our body flexible, powerful, conditioned, and stable. Yoga energizes the body and improves digestion and breathing as well as strengthens the heart and circulatory system. These are just some of the physical benefits of Yoga. By enabling us to concentrate on our energy and empowers confidence within our body, Yoga techniques can support spiritual growth by teaching us how to maintain a sense of calm in difficult situations and understanding compassion towards other people.  

How frequently should I practice yoga?

Many people start with 2-3 classes a week, working towards a daily routine with Yoga. In many cases, you can notice significant differences in your body just after a week of regular yoga practice. If possible, start with two to three sessions a week and work out a plan with your teacher on how to build it into your daily routine.

I have a health condition. Can I do yoga?

Numerous individuals practice yoga as an approach to dealing with their health concerns. There are a variety of yoga classes and asanas to address and work with various physical conditions. However, it is always a good idea consult a physiotherapist or yoga trainer to explain your health concerns and see how to best move forward.

Articles on Yoga

What is Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is the most common type of yoga people do in the western world today. Hatha places special emphasis on slow, measured movements and mindfulness. Generally, the term hatha yoga is used for any type of yoga that combines poses (asanas) with controlled breathing (pranayama). The Yogi usually holds a pause for several breaths.

Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is an exercise that uses breathing techniques and physical postures to develop a better connection between the mind, body and spirit. The word HATHA itself is made up of 2 words: “HA” meaning sun and “THA” meaning moon. The sun is the positive current in our body and the moon is the negative current. Hatha is the balance between the negative and positive.

5 Yoga Asanas (Poses)

Practised for over 4000 years, yoga is a collection of different slow and fast exercise routines and numerous poses (asanas). In this article, we will focus on 5 well-known yoga poses:

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    Class photographs used in this website are for illustration purposes only. They should not be used as a guide to any Yoga pose or asana.

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